ideas for something a little different please


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
hi, im currently cycling a 15 gal tank, not sure why yet though!! Thought i might put dwarf puffers in but now i'm not too sure. I already got 3 other tanks, one with tetras and dwarf gourami, one with a male fighter and the big one has discus, rams and catfish. So i'm looking for something a little different to go in this tank and unless i find it i will prob take it down coz lets face it....who needs 4 tanks in a little 2 bedroom house!!!???
all suggestion welcome!! thanks


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Cant really do something impressive with a 15 gall...unless it becomes fully planted, or you get some african dwarf frogs or something =/ its a difficult suggestion, seeing as you have all the others.


Large Fish
May 22, 2009
Las Vegas
cant go wrong with dwarf puffers. maybe you could have dwaft puffers in a planted tank like swordtail suggested. like moss so it spreads out mabe you could let alge grow like i let it grow on my boat decoration it looks good and sword plants but like jungle thick planted tanked (but not like no swiming space thick you gotta find a good balence) but i would only pick like 3 diffrent types of plants because more and i think it would look too random like you just went to petsmarts and grabed a bunch of plants. but i would only get like 4 or 5 puffers and i know you probly heard all bout their bad temperment and what not but i have mine with mollies used to have them with swords they dont even go after fry i think problems just show up when you overcrowd the tank. i know you could put some other fish that stay small like a small alge eater or a small skool small tetras (i dont know if any stay small i think they do never had any of them)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
So my name is "swordtail" now? xD
4 puffers seems kinda cramped in a 15 gal, even if they are dwarf species. you could always try it. putting small fish into a puffer tank may be a bad idea, or good idea depending on how you look at it (puffers will have delicacy meals lol)


Large Fish
May 22, 2009
Las Vegas
my bad bro! i was reading a post yesterday by some one named swordtail and i think since i saw the pic of your avatar i just assumed "swordtail" my bad newman no hard feeling right? all i have ever read about them is that they need anywhere from 3-5 gallons per dwarf puffer but i think 3 is enouf they only get like 1 1/2 inches and thats a big one and like i said befor i had 8of these guys in a 20 gal with 3 mollies and they didnt bother them or thier fry. just provide plants for hiding and keep them well feed i still have them with lyretail mollies with no problem they even ignor the fry in there but thats just my experience with them