
Jul 12, 2009
Just had to write this out for the second time as the first time it timed out and deleted everything I had written... Annoying!

I swear I put more posts up on here about identification than anyone else...

The pictures below are of two things I wish to have identified in my marine tank. Firstly the green pod thing, it's sort of a half circle and has a long sticky tounge like thing that come out the front to pull itself up and down rocks etc. It normally sits in dark places in my tank.... It's back can open slightly sometimes also.

The second thing I would like identified is the transparent lobster looking thing I found on my coral today. I had a lovely carnation tree coral that has slowly been deteriorating in the past week and I had no idea why, the stem had been almost molting. I saw this transparent thing on it today and poked it and it moved so I removed the coral from my tank for a closer look and it does look like some sort of lobster with one pincer bigger than the other with a pink tip. Would this have been chipping away at the coral?

If anyoe could identify these and let me know how tank friendly / unfriendly they are I would be very grateful!




Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The first looks to be some sort of snail kind of like a nassarius but I can't be sure. Check out info by Ron Shimek on crustaceans....the second is a very small pistol shrimp, which is harmless to your coral and actually not a bad inhabitant.

Jul 12, 2009
The pistol shrimp (I have found on some websites) is said to shatter glass and kill small fish with the snapping of it's claw... Have you ever heard of this being the case in small home aquariums?

I don't want one little shrimp destroying my whole tank... Literally lol

Jul 12, 2009
Also I realise that the nassarius is a snail... But the thing in my tank is not a snail. It looks very much different but it's hard to get a properly good picture of it, ill try to get a different one!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
try Ron Shimek for id on that one.....the small shrimp is no danger to your tank or your fish. Most pistol shrimp are reef safe and I have had a 4 inch one in my 29g for about 4 years without incident other than he didn't tolerate any other shrimp in the tank. He also has a nice buddy as he is paired with a wheelers watchman gobie and the two are never apart. They eat pods and scavenge but as this one is so small I can't believe he'd be much of a threat. A mantis on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.....