Identify strange eggs ???

Can anyone shed any light on a strange thing I have found just stuck to the side of the glass just above the water line in my tropical tank :confused:

It looks like a dried egg case 3cm long, pale brown in colour with little bubbles, almost like a tiny bunch of grapes. It was on a stalk. I touched it and it broke off, it is hard and solid but floats. I have rescued it and put in on the supporting bar of the aquarium just in case it "hatches".

What could it be, do apple snails lay out of water as I have 4 apple snails and don't know much about their breeding habits ? Could it be a fish ?

Really appreciate your help with this I hate mysteries.

Nov 27, 2005
Similar growth that is not snails

I too have something similar only they are not snail eggs and I'm sure of this (No snails in tank, no live plants) Actually its not even my tank but a friends. It houses only one albino oscar. Well, theres something at the top that looks like it could be eggs or fungus? As I'm writing it has dawned on me that perhaps oscars make bubble nests, I don't know! Can anyone out there shed some light? so that i can relay the info back to my friend.

Oct 24, 2005
O's don't make bubble nest, that much I know. Is the O alone or maybe a pair? They could be oscar eggs, but I'm not sure if a female will spawn without a male. If she did, the eggs won't hatch without fertilation. If they oscar is new there is a small chance that the egg came with it, small snails propogate like mad, and it only takes one to start. If they're near the top of the water they're not the O's, and they're most likely snails.

It could be a lot of things really, maybe a picture if possible?

Good Luck!