Okay so I was a bad girl and went to the fish store and got some fishies!*twirlysmi Had to get some danios and albino corys...came home with them plus these little cichlids I just fell in love with, a silly little cat fish that is adorible, and some mollies. (put the mollies in the 20 gallon) So the people at the store told me they where some kind of shell dwelling cichlid...I got excited cause I am already set up for that. I asked if they would get along okay with the multis I'm gonna get in a few months(waiting for the breeder*SLEEPING*) and they said yes. So! Long story short, I asked them to write down the name for me so I could look up the care for them, was given; T. Moorii Flame R. . I have some to the conclusion that that is NOT what these are...since I can't fine this specific name and the only thing that comes close has a nice orange stripe down the center. So here is a pic...any ideas?*SUNSMILE*
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