ID'ing this cichlid

hey All

i have four large fish......below is a pic of one of them, about 8months ago, she is only 10" in the pic, biut is now 13"). The second pic is their tank, its a 100 gallon. I rarely if ever buy fish, rather they are given to me, when others (friends and family) no longer want them.....anyways, this lovable monster was given to me 2 years or so ago when it was still 3-4" long and as far as i have been able to tell, this fish is a tilapia of some sort. I am interested in knowing which species exactly though.

Their story.....they were bought at Big Al's (for under 50 canaadian dollars) as a peacock bass.......after they were given to me i went back to big als and they said they werent peacock bass, but flowerhorns......After more research on my part, i found this link....... and that is why i believe theya re tilapia, but would like some other opinions.

Their personality........ ever own a oscar or severum, they are very personable like those species, they are smart, they know what there food container looks like and get very excited. They have had eggs, in their mouths, but never spit them out or anything. They scoop sand from the bottom and let it fall out of their gills, looks really cool. Their mouths are like that of the bass (in lakes) and they inhale everything, they have no teeth or anything either. I dont want to say they are aggressive, but they are "dominant" and have their own They eat smaller fish, trout pellets, snails, turtle pellets, flakes, cichlid food, and they even eat some of the fruits I feed the turtles. Their coloration changes, when excited they are striped vertically, about 4-5 stripes. otherwise a dot near the gill area. They (all four) pefer to be together and have open spaces (no caves or anything). Although they are protective of one large flat rock, they actually sucked one of my fingers up in their mouth, when i moved it to the other

any Ideas anyone........

Sorry for the length of post