Idiot proof lighting


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I'm in GB so other threads where people talk about tubes from Walmart etc don't help me :-( I'm a newbie really so I need simplified help! Brand names would help if possible please!
So....I have a 33 gallon tank, planted with Hornwort, H.polysperma, anubia nana and a crypt wendii.
I don't want to get into CO2 yet, but I want the plants to be less spindly and yellowy than they are now, and to lose all the brown algae.
I have Bosemani rainbows, cardinal tetras, long finned zebra danios, a clown plec, ottos and cory cats.
Obviously I'd like the fish to look as good as possible. Their colour isn't great at the moment and the cardinals stripes look blue not green like in my lfs.
The tank is a tropiquarium 88 and I'm using the two tubes it came with 20W each and a lifeglo and aqua glo. They're clearly not up to the job!
Any suggestions please?

Scrumpy, this is what I use on my 33g.....a variation of gutter lights:

I've got 2 "incandescent" fixtures with a total of 4 compact screw in flouros, totalling 80 watts lighting. Hope that gives you an idea or 2...this is dead easy to do, and I'm sure that you can find similar hardware, if not the exact same thing?