Africans can vary quite a lot, some are good beginners fish, some aren't. Also beware, some of the commoner ones offered for sale , notably auratus are just a timebomb. Read, read, read - try the - this guy goes thro' genus by genus descriptions of what's good, bad or just plain difficult. He also has some tank ideas but beware ,lots of people think his tanks are terribly overcrowded.
I don't know of an equivalent S American site, but there are lots of OK articles on I prefer S American myself, but that's life.
2 things - remember there's no such thing as typical cichlid, they vary in size from 1 1/2 inches to 3 feet in both africa and S America (lets not forget india, madagascar or central america),
and always think of a tank in footprint not gallons ie 3 foot, 4 foot not 29 or 55 - cichlids are territorial horizontally, not vertically. A tall tank is wasted. But a 29 is 3 feet long yes, and there a lot of nice cichlids that'll go in there.