If you had a 125 gallon fish tank, what woudl you do with it?

Well I was just wodnering if you ha d a 125 gallon aquarium what would you do with it? Price doens't matter, you cna have any fish etc... pretend you'r really rich LOL!!

What I'd do...

I would make a beautiful amazon theme tnak with cardinals, discuz, cories, bristlenose, and some other peaceful amazon fish!!!!!

Now what would you do?

Oct 22, 2002
Northern VA
I would have no plants.....You can grow plants in your house....in an aquarium, you have fish.......well, if i had a 125g, i'd have the bomb SW setup......

Reef Tank all the way!!! with a white eyed moray, crabs, snails, clams, corals, urchins.......


Medium Fish
Jan 2, 2003
Visit site
*thumbsup2 *BOUNCINGS Gotta give you THUMBS UP and a hearty BOUNCE on the bomb SW setup!

Definitely go Reef Tank all the way! *celebrate

In addition to your list, except for the moray, I add in a nice pair of Cleaner Shrimp!

Soon as I find a semi-permanent place for my 90, a buddy has everything I'll need for the tank. Over 100# of live rock, a 6" sand bed and my choice of a number of fish, corals and polyps!