If you had a cycled 10 gallon


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
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What would you do with it. Say it has a shallow bottom of rocks. 5lbs of them.

Its ready to go. What do you do with it.

Im not asking what "I" should do with mine. Im asking what YOU would do with it. I want to hear some ideas. I have a few but if anyone could help get the wheels turning it would help me a bit.

Its easy to set up a big tank and put all kinds of stuff in it. But with a 10 gal I think it takes a little more thought. So as to make it look nice.

What I would do.
I want to plant some java fern, and moss, maybe another plant or 2 then put 4 coreys in it. And if any platy fry make it from my other thank Ill let them grow up in there untill i can find someone to take them.

what would you do

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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I'd plant it Amano-style, with a glosso carpet and a reddish Japanese Fern. :D

For stocking, a pair of Dwarf Gouramis and a small school of brightly marked Danios or Tetras. For a cleaning crew, Panda Corydoras and black mystery snails.

I know PetsMart has a plastic Japanese Fern that doesn't look too shabby, so up-keep really wouldn't be hard. You'd just have to pay attention to the glosso.

I'd go the heavily planted route. 2-3 anubias nana, 3-4 java fern, plenty of x-mass moss for the foreground (or java moss if x-mass is either too expensive or too hard to find in your area. Just have to keep it trimmed low), and some medium sized crypts for the background.

Throw in 3 dwarf cories, 4 blue tetras, a pair of honey gouramis (good idea ducks), and of course a couple of ottos. Maybe some cherry red shrimp if everyhing is small and you have tons of plants.


Large Fish
Jul 9, 2003
Rhode Island
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I'd probably go with 7 rasboras and 2 otos--both fish are entertaining and I find them colorful enough.

Then I'd try to find a nice branchy piece of driftwood (grapevine? or whatever its called) to put in there...get a mangrove feel out of it. Cover that sucker with moss and java fern. Maybe "plant" (anchor with some rocks or a weight) some free-floaters, like water sprite, as background plants.

Shallow bottom with rocks, eh? Might want to put some larger rocks in there and grow a bunch of moss, or leave them bare amidst a sea of bushier plants.

- mb


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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well, i just set up my spare ten gallon(empty for about 2 weeks) with guppies, and i got my yoyo loaches some buddies yesterday at the lfs. lucky i went yesterday, they went from a full tank of yoyos on sunday to about 3 left on tuesday. im just glad i went back when i did.:D

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