If you had a free 55gal, what would YOU put in it?

Oct 7, 2008
Title says it all :) I have done community tanks before, but I am in the mood for something a little more spicy. I have a 55 gallon planted tank that is low-light and low-tech (ie no UV sterilizers, special substrates, CO2, ferts, etc).
I want to house some cichlids in this, and hopefully establish some breeding pairs.

So at this point, I'm beginning to brainstorm of potential stocks, and being new to cichlids, I thought I'd ask for your help.

My ideas were to try and breed convicts since I've heard it's so easy. But I've also heard they are tough on plants. Rams are a possibility, too. I'd also like to get some "schooling" effect, with more smaller fish rather than few large fish.

Some other's I've seen online and like: Yellow Labs, Convicts, Firemouths, Rams, Blue Acaras... thoughts?

So. If you had a 55gal lying around, what would YOU put in it?


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
I'm actually re-doing the livestock in my 75 gal planted right now with South American "theme". Angels, bolivian rams, rummynose tetras.

Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
tripple red (might be double red. lol. i dont remeber), i believe its a type of apisto.
you should be ok with just about any kind of tetra. if you do barbs, you may want to do a little research cause some tend to nip fins, and you dont want that with your kribs, cause kribs have nice long colorful fins

Oct 1, 2007
honolulu hi
actually, i guess i didnt respond accordind to the title, because i wouldnt personally stock any of those fish.
if i got a free 55g tank i would put:

acrylic dividers, eggcrate, bioballs, and a return pump.

lol. a 55g is too small for me to use for anything besides a sump/filter personally.