If you had to choose one...


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Chicago, Illinois
I'd go with a female. Less agressive. The male guppies I've gotten have all been a big pain in the butt. I'm pretty anti-betta (mainly because i'm sure they hate living in those stupid plastic cups for half their lives, only to be moved into a slightly bigger bowl), but I'd go for females.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Ah, I can't choose. My males are more interactive than my females, but my girls are just soo cute!

If I were to only have one, it would be a male, simply because they respond better to me. My girls are pretty fearless too, but not as much as the males.

I really like the combination I have now, 2 males and 3 females. They each have their own behaviors. When I had all 3 females in the same tank, 1 would swim around while the other 2 hid. Now that they are divided up, they swim up to each other and move freely in their own space.

Just a tip for all you female betta owners, if you ever seperate one from the other, even for a short period of time, you might find the females will fight each other once they get put together again. Trust me, I have seen it first hand, and some breeders have reported that as well. Just a heads up!