If you own Cherax crays and live in Texas READ!!!!!!


Small Fish
Sep 22, 2006
The Texas Department of Wildlife is at it again.

The rules were passed and were to be put on the books on January 1st.
We were prepared to re gear our business so that we could survive without much loss durring transition BUT

The Texas Department of Wildlife his mis-lead us and basically lied because they are going to Re-Propose the rule making Cherax( Redclaw for us) totally illegal without a $250.00 permit.
My husband had actually gotten the rules to go like this;
If you notified the TDW before the rule went onto the books on Jan 1st you got to waive the $250.00 inspection fee and only had to pay $25.00 for the permit.
Now, there is NO GRANDFATHER and everyone must pay $250.00 for a permit. We will NO LONGER be able to sell to food stores or individuals for food on ice.
Only resturants we will now be able to sell too.

We recieved a SURVEY which basically is asking us to snitch on our customers.
I am going to cut and paste the survey bellow.

Dear Ms. Coward,

The department is re-proposing the rule that adds Parastacidae to the
restricted list, and it will be considered by the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Commission on January 25, 2007. When the proposed amendment is
published in the Texas Register for public comment, it will allow for
the possession of live Parastacidae only by permitted individuals and
restaurants (Parastacidae may not leave the premises alive). The
proposed rule will also allow the shipment of live Parastacidae out of
state to any lawful buyer.

In order to thoroughly address the impacts of the proposed rule, we have
sent the survey to all persons known to cultivate and/or sell live
Parastacidae in Texas. You may respond with this information to me or to
Mr. Gray. We would greatly appreciation your participation.


Robert Macdonald
Regulations Coordinator
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

> Dear Mr. Coward,
> The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will soon propose a
> change to the rules governing harmful and potentially harmful fish,
> shellfish, and aquatic plants. The change would make the possession of
> live members of the family Parastacidae (which includes the Australian
> redclaw crayfish) unlawful in Texas, except for 1) persons licensed by
> TPWD to possess live exotic species, and 2) restaurants, provided no
> live Parastacidae leave the premises. In order to gain a better
> understanding of the regulated community, TPWD is asking you to assist
> us by answering the questions in this short survey. Please reply by
> November 16, 2006. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
> Exotic Species (Parastacidae) Survey
> 1. Do you cultivate and/or sell live Parastacidae? Y______
> 2. How many persons do you employ in your business? _______
> 3. In your business, approximately how many hours of labor per year
> spent in the cultivation and/or sale of live Parastacidae? _______
> 4. What was your annual gross income from the sale of Parastacidae in
> each of the last three years? 2006 $________ 2005 $________ 2004
> $________
> 5. What was the gross income in each of the last three years from all
> activities conducted in your business? 2006 $________ 2005 $________
> 2004 $________
> 6. Are you aware of any other persons who are involved in the
> cultivation and sale of live Parastacidae in Texas? If so, please
> furnish a name, e-mail or physical address, or phone number for those
> persons in the spaces provided below (attach additional sheets as
> needed).
> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact:
> Robert Macdonald
> Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
> 4200 Smith School Rd.
> Austin, Texas 78744
> (512) 389-4775

We were basically told by our attorney not to respond to emails like this because there is NO presumption of privacy and it can be given to anyone.

While we have NO Texas customers(that is just the way that things have worked out) and as such we have no information to give them they basically want us to snitch.
My person opinion is that there WILL NOT BE ANY PERMITS GIVEN. That Redclaw will be illegal to own and possess and the reason they are asking for our revinue is because they want to know what fine amount to put on the search and seasure warrent.
They are asking our overall income for the company? Why? Why not just ask gross sales in Texas? SOMETHING IS DIRTY HERE!!!!
That makes no sense and if that information is that important then why not
just go to the IRS for it. We do our taxes like everyone else.

It looks like they may get their way and like we will no longer be in the Redclaw business shortly.......

By the way; the gentleman that sent the TDW all of the horrible mis-information about Redclaw that damned them.....
His name is Ian Rosco(from Austalia) and he sent a whole bunch of conversations off of a blog. None of the information was his or a study just talking back and forth on a blog website like this one.

Joedy Grey is the one writing the rules and regulation and from what I can
tell My husband and I were lied too. Although, I am not sure that I should be shocked.

We have contacted Joedy Grey from the Texas Department of Wildlife to find out what the hell is going on but he is out of office till tommoroow and I do not like being blind sided like this.

We will continue to hang in the game as long as possible. But, I do not want my greenouses,tanks, and equiptment taken as part of their inforcing the rules.

If yo will notice the guy sending out the "survey" is the inforcement division. Basically the police and the guy who will be knocking on your door to take your Redclaw if you live in Texas.