Iggy's ammonia method to cycle question


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
I have ben following iggy's method to cycle my 20 g tank and I am not sure I have interpeded it correctly. ( tank is full and water treated, gravel, air rock filter and cartridge in place.

Iggy says:
The first time you add ammonia, add small quantities (about 1/4 to 1/2 capful) slowly and test after you add each time (give it 3 to 5 minutes in between to circulate before your test) until you get an ammonia test reading of around 5ppm. The reason you have to add ammonia this way is because most ammonia bottles are diluted with water at different ratios. Markdown or remember the total amount (capfuls) it took to get to 5ppm for your tank volume.
6. Every day, once a day, add the total amount of ammonia that it took to bring your tank ammonia test kit to 5ppm. Do this till the very end of the nitrite cycle.
7. It will take about 3-5 days for your ammonia levels to go to 0ppm after 24 hours, and the first of the two bacteria cycles to complete.
8. Keep adding the ammonia (same amount and every day, once a day) until your nitrite levels become 0pmm after 24 hours, which can take about 2 to 3 weeks time. The nitrite levels will spike for a longer time because the nitrite to nitrate processing bacteria take longer to grow than the ammonia to nitrite bacteria.
9. After the nitrite shows 0ppm (clear), change as much water as you can (leave they gravel/substrate/decorations in the tank) to get rid of the bulk of the nitrate buildup (you can use your nitrate test kit to confirm if you want). Don't 'clean' the tank or use sanitizers, just remove the bulk of the water and replace it with treated water.
10. Now you can fully stock your tank with fish, the 2nd cycle is complete! This means you can add as many fish as your tank size and filtration can manage.
11. If you do not add your full capacity of fish after the fishless cycle is complete, remember that next time you more add fish, add only a few at a time, because the bacteria colonies you built-up during the cycle would have died off a little (from lack of food) so you need to give it time to recover (which can take a few weeks).

OK, What I don't get is it says: add enough ammonia till it reads 5ppm and then add that same amount each day till the end of the nitrite cycle (which should take around 2 to 3 weeks) . Then it goes on to say it will take 3 to 5 days before the ammonia is at a reading of 0ppm.... well my ammonia is still at 5ppm and its been there for 15 days now but the nitrite cycle has started it reads 2 ppm. Can someone tell me if I should stop adding the ammonia and let it go to oppm or will it stop the cycle process because the ammonia will drop and therefore stop the buildup of nitrite.. does this make any sense ?
Help please ? Thanks


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Sometimes it takes longer than normal. There are many variables at work here. You have to keep adding ammonia even after you are no longer reading it. Don't stop adding it every day until you are reading no ammonia and no nitrites. Also get fish in there as soon as possible after the water change. Waiting for more than a day will kill off a large amount of the bacteria.

Also you need to make sure you are using pure ammonia, anything scented, or with other chemicals in it for cleaning will prevent the colonies from growing. For example if you are using Mr.Clean don't expect the levels to ever go down.


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
iggy's ammonia method tocycle question

Thanks for the response Pure, Yes it is pure ammonia , and now that I know I am doing as I should I will be more patient:)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
The patience is always the hardest part of fishless cycling for me :) If you refrain from testing every day that should help ya. Just get used to tossing that ammonia in every day (once the level has gone down) and test every other day or every 3rd day to see where the nitrites are.

One thing that some people seem to get confused on is when to start adding ammonia every day. If you add ammonia every day from the very beginning you'll have WAY more than 5ppm in there...so just be sure your ammonia doesn't go above where you can see it on the test kit...and then when you can test and see that the ammonia is gone after 24 hours you dont even have to test ammonia anymore.