I'm a beginer with a 10 gal. and I need help!!!!!!!

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
Kissing Gouramis get huge...It would not be wise to get them for a 10 gallon.

Suggested 10 gallon fishes include: zebra danios, tetras, some barbs, cory catfish, some gouramis, i've heard german rams do well in a 10 gallon, a single male betta will do great in there(no more than 1, but can live with other fish), guppies do fine, as well do mollies, swordtails and platys. Dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp,

the list goes on...these are good starters for your 10 gallon. I don't know much about the parrot fish, nor the midas, but i've had success with the above listed animals.

Be sure to cycle your tank...(go look at the forums for info on cycling).

Hope that helps a little.


Large Fish
Feb 19, 2003
Visit site
a 10 the biggest you can afford? the bigger the better. My self i have a 55 and a 30. I know thet tanks are expensive but get a used one. Please!! everyone i know wants a bigger ank withis 6 months. Especiaaly if you have children. They love to buy big fish. And who blames them!! If you have to get a 10 get peaceful planted communtiy tank. the best bet is to start there and work up. I got a 55 because this guy was going out of bisinuss and was practicly giving away tanks ! I got this tank for 50 bucks! for the 30 i got it from a friend with
2 whisper filters
10 plastic plants
all for $70
as you see you have to shop around. Be patient and the will seem like it finds you!!!!!


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
a midas needs about a 50 gallon tank at least just for him, think of yourself stuck in a closest, thats how he feels, glad your getting rid of him.

get rid of the blood parrot also, he will kill all of your new fish.

some pet stores dont even give credit for retured fish after a couple of days.

Mar 28, 2003
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Do you have a test kit for your fish tank? pH is how aciditic or alkanine your water is. Water that is too aciditic for your fish will kill them, and water that is too alkanine will also kill them. The neutral point for pH is 7.0 and most fish can live in water with a neutral pH. Which is why you need to get a water test kit to measure the pH in your tank. Mine only cost $10 at PetSmart. You should also check the ammonia in your tank and the hardness and nitrates (nitrites?).