Kissing Gouramis get huge...It would not be wise to get them for a 10 gallon.
Suggested 10 gallon fishes include: zebra danios, tetras, some barbs, cory catfish, some gouramis, i've heard german rams do well in a 10 gallon, a single male betta will do great in there(no more than 1, but can live with other fish), guppies do fine, as well do mollies, swordtails and platys. Dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp,
the list goes on...these are good starters for your 10 gallon. I don't know much about the parrot fish, nor the midas, but i've had success with the above listed animals.
Be sure to cycle your tank...(go look at the forums for info on cycling).
Hope that helps a little.