I'm a true newbee.

We were just given a 10 gal. tank about a week ago. We are now on the fast learning curve for fishkeeping.
We've already made some mistakes and I hope not to make too many more.
I would like to thank all the seasoned veterens of this site who have already answered some of my questions. I also would like to apologise for the pain it must cause you expereinced folks to hear of over stocking and dead fish due to user errors. I'm so sorry. I'll try to be better.:)

We, by the way, are myself, my boyfiriend and his teenage son.

Thanks for making a newbee feel welcome.


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2004
Altus, Oklahoma
Visit site
Welcome to the Tank.

I am also new. This site has helped me so much. If it were not for reading this site I would have most likely overstocked and I would not have let my tank cycle properly. I just hope to learn enough to help keep others from making the same mistakes.