I'm back after a long time away

Hey all. I decided to give this site another look after setting up my newest tank. I don't know if any of you remember me but I was pleased to see I could still log on (after trying several passwords and beating my head against the wall).

I just set up a 20 gallon tank with an oversize filter on the back. Its got fine black gravel an obsidian sphere and a huge piece of african swahalla root wood in the middle. I attached some java fern that was growing in another tank to the wood and put in a nice amazon sword and some onion grass.

I finally got fish after waiting two weeks to make a trip from Eureka to San Francisco (6 hour drive). I got two huge clown loaches (6 inchers!), 4 dwarf rainbowfish, and 5 otto cats to add to the 3 zebra danios I used to cycle the tank. The tank looks a little empty even though it is probably more than maxed out since the loaches are hidding under the wood.

I think this is gong to be a cool setup. I just hope the fish didn't get too cold on the ride over and that the tank has established a good bacteria colony. I put a couple of handfuls of gravel from a friend's tank directly into the filter two days after setting up to seed the bio filter.

I'll try to keep you all updated and get a few pictures posted.