I'm back again...New PICS!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hi everyone,

It has been awile again since my last post...lot's going on in my life, losing my job (company is closing it's doors in Dec.) so I haven't had to much spare time; but this site is about fish not my life so we won't get into that.

Well for those who are new our just don't remember I have a 10gl SW nano reef that has been up and running for months now.I had a 40gl SW for 3yrs previous to this one and that is where most of the stocking came from. Those who do remember may remember my last few purchases where a pink/green cucumber and a combo coral (LR w/multiple coral species). The cucumber is alive and seems to be doing just fine in it's new home it moves about the tank every so often finding a new resting spot. The combo coral had a variety of colored mushrooms, a small clam, multiple small tubeworms, polyps and some pumping Xenia. The pupming Xenia slowly disapeard on me over a few weeks and is no more (I think it got to stressed from the transport and from being disturbed by the brittle stars tenticals searching for food) My Scooter blenny is doing fine and has grown a little, he eats sinking pelets and what every small live critters he finds swiming in the tank. I still have the sally lightfoot crab in the tank and he has grown quite a bit and is now approximatley 3" long, but dose not harm Scooter. As well you may recal I had that unidentified anemone that was slowly growing and was about the size of a quarter...well I still have it and it is now the size of a Canadian toonie and I still have now idea what it is. I feed it frozen brine shrimp about 2 times per week and it seems to be doing fine.

I have pics I will post of the tank and my still unidentified anemone (I have a few shots at different angles to help Identify please!)

Thanks all, and it's nice to be posting again.


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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Shaunna said:
What is wrong with the fourth picture of the unidentified? It looks like it exploded.
That is a shot from the back of the tank where I am unable to clean the glass...it is just algea building up on the tank!

I just wanted to get a shot showing how it stems down like a polyp...but this thing is capable of relocating itself if it gets to disturbed, which is what leads me to believe it is an anemone.

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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Man I have spent hours searching the net to find out what kind of anemone this is and I finally found a posting on another site with the exact same anemone. I found out it is an "Unidentified anemone" crap sakes...looks like I will have to keep searching. Someone, anyone PLEEEAAZZE help!!!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Well, still no luck on the anemone ID, oh well! The good news is it's still living and seems to be growing; I guess I must be doing something right!

The tank is going well and my pod population is at an alltime high; it's great! Pretty much every little nuck and crany you look into their there, swimming around. I am tempted to now add another fish, but then again everything is going so well I do not want to disturbe it.

I had a small frag of polyps that fell off the main colony about 1 month ago finally attach itself to a rock and it is now looking healthy.

The only thing I am having trouble with is my bubble coral, not sure why but it doesn't fill out as much as it used to. On one part near the middle the flesh seems to have a tear and receaded back about 3mm or so; though that hasn't seemed to get any worse in the past week. any thoughts on this?