I'm back and setting up a 46g bowfront tank


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hello my fishy friends. It has been a while! I moved this tank up to my office last fall, but it has been sitting empty since I moved into this house. UNTIL NOW :D

I added some moisture to the seals by hand to hopefully avoid breaking any while I was filling it up. My very first 10g tank purchased new from Petsmart broke a seal as soon as I had it filled up. One never truly understands how much water 10 gallons is until they are sopping it up out of carpet. This tank is 46 gallons, I have hard wood floors, and I do not wish to find out what happens when someone spills 46 gallons of water on it. I filled it up a couple of inches and let it sit for an hour or two before filling it up some more and repeating until the water level was high enough to start the filters up. It was running a reverse UGF with a tower on each side, and a good quality HOB filter. They all seemed to work (I was pleasantly surprised).

Of course my driftwood was all dry again, so it had to be weighted down with rocks.

Anyway, I fully intended to do a fishless cycle, but I failed to locate my ammonia here at the house. I remember it being tough to find the first time around, so after 3 failed stops I decided I would just go to Petsmart and scope out their tanks. If they looked terrible I wouldn't get anything, and if they say had a bunch of good looking danios I might just get some of those :D

35 dollars and a few hours later, I had 13 new fish :D Now I know that it would have been less frustrating to do a fishless cycle, better for the fish etc, but I also decided that I didn't want to look at an empty tank for a fishless cycle. I had a conversation earlier that day with a friend who's new to fishkeeping and she had picked up some danios, and I think they are among my favorites because they're just so resilient and fun to watch, not picky eaters, and now there are all of these varieties :) Petsmart's tanks were actually in very good shape, and they had several different danio varieties, but they were all very tiny. SO I ended up getting 10 of them. Something like 2 gold long finned, 4 zebra long finned, 2 zebra and 2 leopard long finned. Then I decided since their platies looked pretty good and I hadn't ever had any before, that I'd get some female platies. So there are 2 sunburst platies and a blue platy that I'd never seen before, very pretty fish! I think I may get some more of those, but I obviously have a while before I will even consider adding any more.

I decided to take the rUGF out, so while I was doing my water change yesterday I yanked those and it makes the tank look so much bigger to have those big towers out. I've used an old expired test kit and it is telling me that the ammonia is already high, so between that and the tank just being dirty from its past life I am planning on doing about 50% water changes until my new test kit gets here.

I did lose one danio today, but it wasn't acting right since I brought them home so I am 99% sure I didn't cause the death. Everyone else seems to be doing well. Of course the platies have to learn to be a little faster on the uptake if they're going to get their share of the food since the danios are such little pigs LOL

I have ordered some stuff online to add, and some things that have disappeared since the last time I had a running tank. For now I'm just really excited to have fish again.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Welcome back!

Did you bug your friend for some media or some such to jumpstart your cycle?

That 46g is a nice size. And an even nicer size if you already have it sitting around, waiting for your love.

Those blue platies are gorgeous. Super shiny. Ever seen those snow white danios? They're pretty too.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Dug out the receipt, stared at the fish till I got dizzy and I think I figured out which one I lost.

Receipt says Zebra Danio x 2, LF LPRD DANI x 4 (long fin leopard danio), then DANIO x2, and DANIO x2...super descriptive guys lol bringing up the rear are Sunburst Wag x2 (Sunburst Wag Platy), and BLUE PLATY x1. I believe one of the danio types that I got a pair of were gold zebra danios, and the other pair were long fin zebra danios.

The two gold ones are pretty easy to separate, so I know I have both of them. I believe the one I lost was one of the long fin leopards because I only see 3 now. The smallest leopard has a pretty big tummy, so she is either getting ready to drop eggs, or she is in some kind of distress. I guess I'll know if she is suddenly skinnier or is the next floater. I still see 4 zebras, and the smallest one I got is a plain zebra.

Although the platys (platies? whatever the plural of platy is) are very shy and mostly prefer to hide, one of the sunburst ones seems to be having fun playing with the danios, and the other two make appearances from time to time.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome back!

Did you bug your friend for some media or some such to jumpstart your cycle?

That 46g is a nice size. And an even nicer size if you already have it sitting around, waiting for your love.

Those blue platies are gorgeous. Super shiny. Ever seen those snow white danios? They're pretty too.
Hey nice to see you!

OH YEAH totally forgot to mention that. So I did, as soon as I decided that I was going to put fish in it, I texted a friend that has a tank set up and asked for some filter gunk. She gave me some, but it didn't help as much as I remember it. I think I'm going to have to get some more. Trying to think of someone who has a more traditional tank set up. Hers is a pretty low stocked large planted tank, so I don't know how big her bioload is to begin with so I don't know how much of a boost a couple of bio balls and part of a sponge from that tank will give me.

I'll know more about where the cycle is when my new test kit gets here :) lol I can't trust what the tubes tell me right now.

I like the 46. I actually bought it to match my bedroom furniture, but I can't fit it in this bedroom lol Since so much stress happens in my office I think it is a perfect place for a fishtank.

Yeah, it has been a while but I don't remember seeing the blue platies before. I haven't seen the white danios...but I did see that they have blue danios now too? (not glowfish) I am going to keep my eyes open for some of those too.

I actually think it is a good thing that I have to wait for the tank to stabilize and finish cycling so I have a while to ponder what stock to add :D


Small Fish
Apr 2, 2015
Hi! I've actually only owned fish a month so far, but I'm loving it. I recently bought a used 50 gallon and it's good to hear that one of your older tanks is doing well. (Encouraging for me! Though I'm having level fears at the moment).

Where I live there are quite a variety of places to buy fish, from local stores to petsmart and petco. In my short experience (though I've pretty much been going to the fish stores every day for the last month :|), I've found petco's fish to be in absolute terrible shape. There are two petsmarts near me, one is larger, has more variety, but iffy on the fish. The smaller petsmart has amazingly lovely and healthy fish, and I've built a good rapport with them there. Most of my fish are from there, and all have been healthy. The fish I've lost I can say were completely my fault. The victims of my learning curve. But all the rest have not only proved to be extremely tolerant of my ignorance, but also quite hardy. Best of luck with coming back into fish keeping, and I always look forward to the stories/advice of others!


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
If you can't get your hands on some healthy, seeded filtration media, cycling with danios is a good idea, but 13 of them? Yikes. Even in a ~46g, that's going to take a lot of water changes to keep ammonia down to a level that won't kill them.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Thanks for your comment Moo. Welcome to the fishkeeping hobby! :) It is addictive. I saw your thread, I wouldn't worry about the level, it sounds fine. If you look at that picture I posted you'll see there's probably 1/4-1/2 inch difference in the water level from side to side. Old house, old floors, but the tank and stand are sturdy. I've had plenty of tanks I got at garage sales be great tanks. I'm just always careful to test them before I trust them! Actually, the only tank that ever broke a seal on me was that first one that I bought new!! This tank was actually purchased new as well. There have been many fish sacrificed to that learning curve, we've ALL done it :) I like to believe that they did not die in vain and that I learned from my mistakes.

The bio-boost I got from my friend's tank is working great. Cycle is progressing nicely. I have nitrites and nitrates and the ammonia isn't increasing as much as it was. So not exactly an instant cycle, but if things keep progressing it shouldn't be too much longer.

We suggested 3 or 4 for 10g cycle, so why is 13 for a tank 4 times the size cause for yikes? :) By my calculations 3 times 4 is 12...unless common core has changed that too ;) I have a python, the tank is across the hall from the bathroom, and water changes are a breeze.

New API test kit came today. I'm a little concerned about the accuracy because they changed the color charts and some of them come up with pretty different readings. Oh well, at least we know that 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites are what we're shooting for and those colors haven't changed :D


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I hear you on the old school ~3 danios/10g suggestion, but If you're showing nitrites with fish in the tank, that's worse than ammonia. It's even more toxic to them.

It's been years since I cycled a tank from nothing, but when I did my last fish-in w/ no seeded media, I'd keep the water changed such that I'd see no ammo or nitrites and nitrates would eventually (and slowly) appear.

Yes! I've noticed the API Master Test Kit chart thing. You can look at 3 color charts and all of them have differences in color. LOL.. As long as the nitrate isn't red, all is good LOL.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I know we don't know each other, but yes I'm fully aware of that :) Have to have some in the tank for it to cycle, they'll be okay. The tank will be better for it in the long run. The fact that they're increasing already just a few days in, tells me that the cycle won't be lasting for much longer and that the seeded material I got is doing its job. I'm doing plenty of water changes to give them breaks, and they're tough little buggers ;)

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Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Froggy!!! Look who the cat drug in. :D

The tank looks great. Now I'm itching to do something with my 30g long with the lone surviving cardinal tetra. How long do those things live?!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
OMG SANND!!! LMAO your avatar hahahaa

I'm going to peer pressure you into doing something. It is taking all of my will power not to drag another tank inside.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hmm...I don't know. You could get him some buddies. You still have some live plants right? If you only added a few fish at a time you probably wouldn't kick off a big cycle. Either that or can you do a fishless cycle and get some good bacteria built up on some filter media in another tank (or a bucket or something you can put a filter on) so you can add the filter media to your filter on your 30 when you add some more fish?

I don't know how long tetras live in a typical aquarium.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I dunno what to tell ya. What do you want to get?

The canister filter got here today so I'm trying to decide if I want to set that up now or wait and do it tomorrow. lol