Im Back!


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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Hey guys, I am back from camp and my tanks were a freakin disaster! All the fish survived, I even ended up with more neons than I left off with. There was algea all over the tanks and my plants exploded with growth, or died. One of my filters was off line and the water in the tanks were disgusting, havent been changed in 2 months!!! I guess I should leave someone other than my dad in charge of my tanks when I am away at camp.

Well just letting you guys know that I am back and ready to start rebuilding my tanks and probably going to start up a new one.


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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It was pretty annoying, but its been 2 days since I have started to take care of them again, and it is looking pretty good. Still alot of algea to deal with, but since the fish are all healthy I really cant complain that much. Oh well, what can you do, I was barely allowed to have the fish in the first place, its a wonder they survived the summer (if the blackouts dont get to them first).