i'm back!!!

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
Hey everyone just wanna say i'm back if any of ya remember me *twirlysmi been busy with work and everything for the past year, the past month been checking in every now and then seeing whats going on... well right now i got three tanks running 10gal has guppies, 1 pleco 4-5 amano shrimps sum plants like swords java moss 2 tiger lotus and java fern... i know tank to small for some of those plants but i try to keep them from growing to much, my 20gal got 10 zebra danios 3 autralian rainbows another pleco, flying fox and a khuli loach that i'm suprised is still alive(about 3+yrsold the oldest fish in my tanks *celebrate ) with some of the same plants i mentioned and a 30gal with a 3" oscar and a 3.5" convict with bunch of java ferns in that one... well thats all i wanna say for now and i'll try and stop by more often and say hi