im back

Jan 15, 2006
well i havent posted in a while due to work and all. I got a new job at the pet center. well my two bettas are still alive. My little girl sandy is enjoying her one gallon fish bowl with the plant growing out of it. My little man Spongebob is in a ten gallon community tank with his tank mates. Well spongebob has been hiding alot in his little log cave. Recently i purchased some more fish for his tank. its a twenty gallon and there are ten small fish including him in there now. 4 dwarf gouramis 2 rosey barbs and 3 swordtails. I was wondering if its normal for him to be so timid around the other fish? He is bigger than all of them except the barbs which where in the tank with the swordtails and him before i added the gouramis.