IM DONE!!!!!!!

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
Its sucks balls but i think im done till i buy a new house.Came home from work today walked around the cornner and seen my clown dead.So i was like wtf.Then i started to look and did not see any other fish in there.The corals did not look good.So i washed my hands to get the fish out and try to find out what happend.Put my hand in the tank and the water was HOT and i mean HOT.Come to find out that my heater messed up today and put that water temp to 95.So everything in my tank is gone.Just got done getting a yellow tang and it was doing good.No ich thanks to everyone on here.I will be back on here in about 6 months when i do move and start all over.Thanks everyone yall saved my *** alot of times.Everyone have a great weekend.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Sorry man. I'll remember what you said here for the next time something goes wrong in any of my tanks. Can't be any worse than what just happened to yours...:(

Big Vine


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
I know how you feel if your heater whacks out (not about losing that many fish) heater is not that reliable. It will stay at 76, then either drop to 70 in a night, or either skyrocket to 90 sometimes.....I'm just surprised my platies have handled it :(

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Oouch, that is unfortunate... Sorry to hear!

This is one reason I recommend splitting the heating between 2 smaller heaters on opossite sides of the tank instead of just one bigger heater. If you use two of less wattage, then if one goes on the blitz it will take a lot longer for the smaller heater to heat the tank to a high temp and it also goes the other way, if one kicks out completely you still have the other backing the system up and keeping the temp at a reasonable reading. Another good reason for 2 heaters is it helps eliminate hot/cold spots in the tank.

Thats a bummer man. I have experienced that also, I have lost about 7-10 fish because of a whacked out heater.
I would go with saltywaters idea, but if you want a reliable heater, i have been having great luck with the the Hydor Fully Submersible Theo Heater. Mainly because they have a tempeature knob that tels you what it will be at, so there is no guessing, waiting, and guessing some more. Plus, the dial has some resistance, so it wont be changed by a child or being bumped by anything. i got it at petsmart. and their shatterproof. Make sure you have 5 watts per gallon.
After i got this heater, I have a digital thermometer, in a 10 gallon tank, during the winter, with a cracked window,(at the time, its fixed now) the temp changed about .5 of a degree, of what it should have been, and stayed constant to .5 also. I wish you good luck, and sorry about your losses.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
man...this isn't cool..i had a crappy Hagen or even Hagen clone heater first...unreliable piece of junk, super slim glass...a great design to break in the tank.
Never had a problem of temp oscillation when i switched to Ebo-Jager.