im gettin my 29 this week


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
NW Arkansas
Im gonna finally get m 29 gallon aquarium. Its gonna have

- 2 angels
- 2 gouramis ( dont know which kind but any suggestions would be helpful)

      Also What kind of plants suit these two kind of fish.
I have never had a tank larger than a ten gallon so what kind of other filteration do i need. The tank comes with a power filter.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
A power filter rated for a 30 gallon tank will do just fine. You may want to use to smaller powerfilters, one on each end, but just stick with what it comes with, probably what you need. Any plants go with those kind of fish. Floating plants if you want the gouramis to breed, broad leafed ones for the angels. But really, it's up to you. If you are serious about doing plants, live ones, I would reccomend you look into purchasing some flourite, and maybe some brighter lights. I forget which kind of hood comes standard with a 29, but I don't think that it will give you the 2.5 watts you need to grow some of the high light plant species. I'm not sure what else you want to know, so that is all I can offer. HTH.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
I would personally add the angels last, because then they couldn't claim the tank territory for just themselves and if you were to add the gouramis later the angels would probably give the gouramis a hard time making even more stress when the fish trys to acclimate itself. Although on the contrary if you are going to have smaller sized angels i would add angels first before the gouramis ;)  I fear that sunsets may be a bit to small for a tank with adult angels :-/ It  might be easier to get larger species of gouramis :)

What is the wattage on the lighting? Are you going to have co2? Any ferts? ??? ???


