I'm here to introduce myself


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Hey I'm pretty new here, but have been reading this site a lot over the past 2 or 3 weeks. I'm here to try and learn as much as I can before getting everything setup.
I currently have an empty 10 gal that I think I'm going to use for a small freshwater tank with some cardinal tetras and maybe some other fish as well. I'm also looking to start up a nano reef and I find these just amazing to read about and watch as they gradually change. I have really enjoyed reading the threads on here that people use as journals to document what they are doing and what their tank is doing as well. I find these very interesting to read and very informative as well. Maybe down the road, once I get my tanks going, you will see a journal from me as well.
I'm really looking forward to getting things started, but trying not to rush anything so I do this all correctly and have successful tanks.