Im late


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Im just now hear for my intro , my computer was locking up so i didnt try before. My name is brad and im from Oklahoma . I've been dabbleing for awhile . I set up a ten gal three years ago with everything out of my moms old (25+) tank except filter and tank . I skipped ahead to a 180 gal i set up in dec last year . Built my own stand and canopy . Cant wait to send pics . The ten is my quarintine tank kinda . my 180 houses all manner of gouramies , snails , otocinclus , 13 inch hypostomus (my interior decorater i have his number if you want it )and of course one red cap oranda . I started planting my 180 in jan and its really comeing together. My wife and i had our first child steven james on may 31. I set up a 1 gal for him in his room . The tank is a metal frame older than me that i resealed. of course it houses a beta crowntail . All i could fit was java fern, marsilea hirsota,and water letuce . I found a lamp that looks just like the one in PIXAR that i tilt just right . I have a 30 im thinking about puttin up but ill probably get a 40 breeder instead . When i grow up i want to take out a wall of our future house for a large tank that will house the true goramy . Im involved in my local fish club . Im haping and baping my little heart out . I really would like to propagate a plant from flowering it in the future. I cant be online to often ,but this is where i always go first since i found it . By the way i apolagize for any faux pas . I havent been online in 9 years . and im not used to typeing . Im a moody typer.