
Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
I am headed tonight to pick up a new tank cause I am making the jump to salt water aquaria!!!

So I feel like I am starting over here. I've kept tropical and native fish for over 2 years now. and I hear salt is a whole new game.

I LOVE the LION fish and thats what I want. SO can you guys help me out with any info on Lions. Maybe websites I can read about them or any info you have.

Are they difficult to keep, and if they are should I wait on them? What are good tank mates? Are there any Nemo fish I can keep with them(request of my wife, she LOVES NEMOs)?

What I would like is a lion, snowflake eel, a couple of angles and nemo's if possible (I don't think nemo's will fly in this tank but I have to find out for my wife.)
Any info would help.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Derpeder said:
Are there any Nemo fish I can keep with them(request of my wife, she LOVES NEMOs)?
Nope....anything that can fit in the Lion Fishes LARGE mouth will get eaten.
What type of lion fish were you wanting? I'm not sure about some of the dwarf varietys....but I'm pretty sure they have large mouths as well.


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
Yeah thats what I was affraid of about the lions.

I am not sure about the type of Lion. My tank is 100 Gallons so I need to do a little more research and find the one I love.

So will angels and eels be okay with the lion?

and what else goes with them?

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
The Occelaris Clown would fly in this tank... right into the Lions mouth!!!

The rest of your stocking list should be fine as long as you get a large enough tank to accomidate each fishes needs

If you wish to keep a Volitan Lion Fish you will need an aquarium of at least 70g (with a width on the tank of at least 20") IMO. These guys can reach over a foot in length and like stated above will basically eat anything it can fit in its mouth.

Here is a link to some basic info on them;


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
After some quick research it looks like the Volitan Lion Fish is the one I have in mind. I love this fish it is so beautiful. and I have a 100 gallon with 24 inches of depth so that sounds like it will be fine.

Thanks for that graph and compatibility. That was very helpful.

So anyone that has some experience with Lions....are they difficult to keep? what are some tips I should know? Like environment and food...etc.


Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Lions arent too hard, just make sure it gets fed (some feed them krill and silversides), has stable water conditions, and be careful of the spines. They arent a very big swimmer, they prefer to hover around the rock. You could do a couple other largish fish in the tank if you wanted, there are some options.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
puffers are good with lions but they eat crabs and snails so id stay away from them as youll prolly want a cleanup crew pretty much triggers too..... i suggest a tang of some sort in ther maybe some type of wrasse you gotta get some thing that doesnt fit in his mouth so that counts out the clown idea :p id stay more on the reef safe side


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
TRe said:
puffers are good with lions but they eat crabs and snails so id stay away from them as youll prolly want a cleanup crew pretty much triggers too..... i suggest a tang of some sort in ther maybe some type of wrasse you gotta get some thing that doesnt fit in his mouth so that counts out the clown idea :p id stay more on the reef safe side
So I could keep a cleaning crew with Lions and Eels and what not?

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
it depends. lions are ok with a cleanup crew. for eels, it depends on which kind of eel u want. i've heard there are 2 different types of morays, some have flat teeth to crunch crabs and such, others have sharp teeth to eat flesh. i guess it depends on which eel u like and want. i'm not sure if groupers are ok with crabs and stuff, but i think groupers are awesome. tangs and angels are some of the most beautiful fish in the hobby. i've heard some wrasses eat small inverts (a cleanup crew) also. i guess just start making a list of some fish that you would like, and run it by us to see if it works. just check out a site like The Marine Center: Your source for the rarest, net-collected fish and corals they have descriptions and pictures of lots of fish.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea id stay away from the prediter tank for the exact reasons stated above.... and i just realized that if youy get a big enough clown that should work with the lion.....you gotta realize the bigger and messier the fish you get more bigger and more frequent water changes will have to be done wich IMO is a real pain in a tank that size..... im mean what can i say i have a 125 gallon predator tank but i regret it everyday when i look in the tank and all i see is a few fish and a few hunder lbs of liverock no crabs,no snails,no shrimps,ect... just think it over first cause i know i didnt ;)


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
Thanks for the information. I did not know that about the preditor tank. That it gets real dirty. Would like 20% weekly changes be enough for such a tank?

Well Maybe I should reconsider my stocking options. After looking into it I was planning on doing a Lion, Snowflake Eel, 1 Angel (not sure what kind), possibly a Panther Grouper, and a trigger. I assume this would be a Preditor tank and be dirty. Is this correct?

Could I keep an angel and eel with Nemos or will the eel eat the nemo?

Let me know.