I'm moving...how do I move my tank?

Apr 13, 2004
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I'll be moving next week and am not sure how to transport my tank and fish.

Fish in water in the tank or in bags? (putting them in bags just doesn't sound right)
Do I siphon the water and bring it with me? Or is this the perfect time for a full water change?

I just don't want to do anything that would hurt the fish. Luckily it's a small tank - 7 gallons with 2 bala sharks and 1 otto.

I would appreciate any advice. Thanks!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
How far away are you moving?

Rubbermaid containers with fish and a little water + airstone sound pretty good. If the trip requires you to stay overnight you can easily use an HOB filter on the side of the rubbermaid at the hotel/house.

I would bring some of the water with you. Don't wanna re-cycle.

Move tanks empty.

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
I have used Stress Coat, as I have a bottle of it at my place. I usually put a little in when I put new fish in my tank, or if I have to transport anything. It sort of makes the water a little "slimy" if you will to emulate what the fish really are used too. I have never had a problem using it, and I've never had a fish die because of using it.

( If you are transporting over night, then I would recommend getting some of it, because they will be stressed out. )


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
This is graduation time and moving for many people. I think we have all overlooked a fundamental issue here though. And that is, what is the best way to move tanks? The actual glass tank? I have 6 of them I'll need to move, and I am very concerned about having them in the moving truck. I have thrown away all the boxes like a fool. Do you think they should be packed in foam peanuts, possibly nested inside of each other whenever possible, separated by more foam peanuts or bubble wrap. Maybe we need to start a thread about whether using these nuts will protect the tanks, or will they crush under the weight of the tanks?

I have thought of putting the tanks in the car which will be towed behind the UHaul, but I really think is a much better place to have the fish, as the windows could be opened to help regulate heat.

PS: Just so you all don't think I am a really big fool, I should point out that I only bought one of the 6 tanks new in a box.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I've always just put them in the back of a car or a van...not even worried about packing them with the exception of making sure nothing will fall into them and crack the glass...and then maybe putting a blanket around them.

I think a lot of people touched on that the easiest way to break a tank is to try and move it with a bunch of stuff and water in it. If you pick it up and it is balanced unevenly it will put undue stress on points of the tank that weren't meant for extra stress and youre more likely to break a seal or crack a pane of glass.

A lot depends on how far of a move you're making and if you have a choice of making more than one trip. This last move I made a few weeks ago allowed me to move one tank every day or every other day so I could just focus on doing that and not worrying about everything at the same time. The last move I had to move everything at the same time...the tanks rode in my car and the fish rode in the front seat of the moving truck with dad (who had explicit instructions to drive carefully...for the fish...not the stuff haha)