I'm New!

Jan 19, 2004
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Hey y'all!

Talphik introduced me to this site, since I am hoping to get a fish tank set up in my room in residence at university. I tried a Betta, but he sadly died of some kind of fungus (he was a Walmart fish...probably why).

Since I already have the betta starter kit tank (it's 2 litres, and has no filter or anything although there is a light I can buy for it), I would like to get either a few tiny fish that are easy to maintain and don't need a filter, or a dwarf frog. Do you have any suggestions on what kind of creatures would be good for me, and how to get my tank ready for them?

Thanks so much! I look forward to getting to know some of you and sharing fun fishy stories! Talk to you later!!



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to the tany Aqua :)

I'd think you would be best off to get a filter...they make several very small, relatively inexpensive filters that would work well in that tank.

Welcome AquaBaby007! Id definetly get a filter its just so much easier. Its a pain not having one and having to clean every second day, algea can grow pretty fast in a tank with no movement. You can get a cheap little one from walmart that has an air pump attached to it for like $6.

With that said, id go with an african dwarf frog. They stay really small, are cool to watch and make this very cool sound when theyre happy.