I'm not convinced it's ich, but...


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
One of my angelfishes has some strange white bumps on it's body. I've done a TON of reading, and I think now I am more confused than before!
At first glance, I thought it was missing scales, which didn't totally surprise me because I just added two new angelfish to the tank. But when I took a closer look, I could see that the white spots were clearly raised bumps. I thought it was going to be ich, because I read that sometimes it can appear as bumps rather than tiny grains. I've read a lot about different diseases but none of the descriptions sound quite like what I'm seeing. I don't think it's velvet. Maybe it might be a fungal infection?
Right now, the fish does not appear to be in any discomfort. It is swimming normally, even greeting me at the tank while I was measuring water params. It had a healthy appetite, too.
I'm not afraid of losing the fish...yet... but I don't want to wait until it's too late. I'd rather not start dumping chemicals in the tank. I have colombian tetras and a peppered cory to consider, also, and I read that they both are not tolerant salt/high temp treatment. I will certainly use chemicals as a last/only resort.
So mainly, I'm just wondering if I should go ahead and take action now or wait for further signs of stress.
I think I attached some pics... I hope I did it right, new to this. :p

ph: 7.4
temp: 75F
ammonia: 0


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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If it's largish bumps, it's highly unlikely it's ich. I can't really see clearly in the pictures, but it does look like a bacterial infection. If you need to treat in the main tank, PimaFix might work. It's fairly mild, and shouldn't cause a bad reaction in the other fishes.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
It's hard to tell, but if the white blotches I see are your culprit, then it's not ich. It appears to be possibly a a mild fungal infection or slime-coat damage. Both could be the problem since slime-coat damage can easily be a cause for fungal infection. This should heal on it's own as long as high water quality is kept (do water changes every 2-3 days). A fungal medication may be necessary if there is no improvement in a weeks time. Seachem makes a nice one, and I have some that I probably won't ever use if you need it. The good thing is that fungal infections aren't a problem for other fish unless they become damaged and/or stressed. If your angelfish are being beaten on by other fish, then you'll need to treat and remove the problem fish.


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
Thanks everyone for your helpful replies!!! :)
I'm glad to hear it's likely not ich, and that if it is a fungal infection the other fish aren't in immediate danger. My fish is still behaving normally so I will continue to keep an eye on him/her to make sure there isn't any alarming changes or anything.

Avalon- thanks for the offer, I really appreciate that. I'm gonna watch it for a few days to see if it clears up on it's own, but can I let you know within the next few days if I think I will have to treat my fish?

Thanks again, everyone for your input. You guys are great!! :)