I'm planning on a Betta!!!


Large Fish
Dec 23, 2005
Hey Everyone! Everything in my 10 gallon is doing great. I was thinking of getting a 5 gallon tank and a Crowntail Betta! Heres the story of my first ever fish which was a betta.
In 4th grade,(3 years ago) it was the last day of shool and my teacher had all these prizes that you could bid on. We had money from our job unit where you get paid in fake money. Everyone saved up for the prizes. There were a bunch of things that people could bid on but only one thing interested me, the betta tank. Sure some people could buy 4 things with all their money but I just bid ALL of the money I had to the betta tank. Of course with all that money no one out bid me:rolleyes: It was a setup that came with gravel, 2 plastic plants and a divider. I think it was around a half gallon that would fit 2 bettas.( Yes I know way over stocked) I bought the bettas after adding water from the LPS's tanks. I had no filter or heater just gravel, water, a divider, and 2 bettas. I got a blue one and a black one with a red and blue tail. The next morning the blue was dead. I took the divider out after flushing the blue betta. I cleaned the tank once a month by dumping all of the water out of the tank, rinsing the gravel, and putting back water in it. That betta lived for a year and a half with no filter, no heater, and a complete tank cleaning once a month. After learning from starting my 10g, I am completly shocked my betta lasted that long with that bad of care.
Sorry for the long story but that is exactly what that betta went through: No cycled tank, no weekly water changes, no heater, no filter.*thumbsdow
So that is the experience I had with a betta. I now know a betta needs: More space, weekly WC's, a heater, and a filter. So here are my plans:
5 Gallon Tank
Whisper Internal Micro Filter
Heater( Need some suggestions for this, any appreciated:D)
Shulz's Aquatic Soil from 10g( A lot in there plus will have some bacteria)
It will be heavily planted. I will be getting a crowntail betta because those are cool. So what do you guys think for the setup? Am I missing anything?


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Swannanoa NC
I've got a stealth heater in the 5Gal and it's been doing just great for 3 months. With the Whisper Micro Filter I've been using Bio3 cartridges. They come with a sponge pad that I'll change when it falls apart.
My Crown tail (Ralph) doesn't mind the filter at all. He's making his bubble nest waiting on a female to happen by.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
It sounds like are ready! I would suggest a small heater 25 watts. if the tank is in a small enclosed room say like a bedroom then you may not need a heater. My Betta is in a 6 gallon and the temp is around 78-79 degrees with no heater.

Be sure to let us know when you get your new cup puppy!


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
sweetvegan74 said:
Be sure to let us know when you get your new cup puppy!
id never heard bettas called that before! I like it...haha, im prolly gonna steal it from you and start using it now *SUNSMILE*

(and if its a common expression that i just haven't heard yet cuz im a newbie...oh well still like it :p)


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Great choice smalltank!!!:D

I got a betta a little while ago. I was totaly influenced by people on this thread(whether they know it or not!!) Any way despite a few scares (see my alert!alert!alert! thread for more info) I have never looked back!

Welcome back to the fighter family!*celebrate


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Small tank, Walmart sells a (wallyworld brand) eclips 5 gal hex that works great as a betta tank. They also carry a small tank heater. I use them, and they work fine. You just have to make sure it is never out of water and plugged in. Some safty feature it has will ruin it and you have to get another on.


Large Fish
Dec 23, 2005
Pure, Ya my bro got his 5g Hex at walmart. Thanks for the heater suggestions everyone!
Sweetvegan, My 10g is in my room and I will be putting the 5g on my desk so would I need one? I think I'm not going to get one because my brother in his 5g, isn't using the heater and his tank is at 82 degrees. Sometimes when it gets hot, he puts a water bottle full of ice in his tank to cool it off. It works really good. Thanks everyone!
I will be getting the tank after my vacation which is in about 2 weeks so I'll keep you updated!