Im probly retarded but.....

Aug 7, 2005
Houston TX
So ive been wanting a short plant that i can cover my substrate with but i have large pebbles and the options are limited plus my LFS has jack. So i was in my backyard and noticed these weeds growing over a large portion of my large pebbled walkway. I of course picked a few bunches, rinsed them off and stuck them in my substrate. Is this safe? retarded? or get them the hell out now or ur fish are all dead!


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I would definitely take them back out. You need to get aquatic plants (plants that grow underwater) Anything found in your yard is not going to be aquatic. If left in there, the plants will start to decompose and contaminate your water.

You could try dwarf hairgrass or any plant that is a 'foreground' plant if you want something short. If your lfs doesn't have plants you can buy them online.
Hope that helps!

Aug 7, 2005
Houston TX
thanks guys i would order plants online but i am going back to school in the next day or two. I was hoping i would come back a few months later and have flourishing plant life but its not worth the risk. i think im going to take them back out.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Yes take those out as they will not live very long under current conditions. I would look into getting proper lighting and using Glossostigma as your ground cover. It sounds like exactly what your looking for. I use this in my 10gal Planted and love it.

This plant needs good lighting to grow low and healthy. You also would be better off with some Co2 which u can get using DIY methods found on the internet or use Hagen Co2 which works very well and is cheap and easy to setup.

Here is some pictures and information about Glosso: Hope this helps but remember you must research a lil bit about planted tanks if you already havent as this plant will need a bit more than your average aqurium setup.



Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
theimpossibles1 said:
sweet i like the look of that glosso it looks quite a bit like the weeds i found in my backyard. i will probly try that when i get back from school again. And just wonderin if i dont use a CO2 system will that plant still grow?
Many people will tell you that it wont grow without Co2 and I can tell you thats not true. I have grown it without Co2 and with Co2 and heres what iv'e found.
With Co2 addition it will grow in ALOT faster and the runners will be more thick and healthy looking. Without Co2 it will grow in slow.

The thing you need to know when growing Glosso is it needs at least 3.5wpg of light or eles it will grow upwards and not spread and give you the desired carpet effect. When adding that much light to the aquarium you then need your Co2 so your balance is right because if not you will be having a serious algae problem on your hands.

Glosso is no beginner plant as it calls for proper lighting, Co2, and Ferts, to grow proper and healthy. However dont let that scare you away because the rewards of having an aquarium with a Glosso field is like nothing eles hehe its by far my favorite aquatic plant because its such an eye catcher :p

I started off right where you are asking questions and not knowing much but if your really wanting to setup a planted tank then read, read, read and ask questions on here because this is what this forum is for. Having a successful planted tank is time consuming but by no means imposible hehe anyone can do it if they really take the time to read and learn all they can.
