I'm Really sad... Fiji has velvet.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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We suspect strongly that Fiji has velvet. There are stringy fluffy stuff on his fins.... Poor baby.. I have Aquari-sol in the tank, changed the water and will keep treating with six drops a day until he is cured... Now I know why he wasn't eating.....

We will see... I have looked up other products like Melafix etc and they don't treat velvet....

I will let you know how he is doing....



Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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me too.... This sucks... Even though he is alert, I hope it doesn't take too long to cure.... We will see, if he is meant to die, then that is the way it is.. I will do my best.... Tomorrow I treat again, and I took the carbon out, and will change filter when he is all better....

Mar 11, 2003
"Fluffy" usually means cotton fungus. velvet just makes them look dusty, not really a 3-d looking parasite. If its cotton fungus: keep the water extra clean and use "Fungus Emliminator" made by "Jungle." I think JFE is used on many other diseases, velvet included. Aquari-sol has been said to "not do crap" for diseases. 6 drops a day is over medicating for a 3 gallon tank. Lower it to 2-3. If you have a filter...unplug it. Carbon will take out the medicine. Velvet is not that bad of a disease, but fungus is. Velvet is EASILY curable with the right medicines (try something stronger than aquari-sol if you see not improvement withing a few days).

Info on Aquari-sol: http://bettasrus.com/products/aquarisol.htm
Info on Velvet: http://bettasrus.com/disease/velvet.htm
Info on Fungus: http://bettasrus.com/disease/truefungus.htm
Better site on Fungus: http://bettasrus.com/disease/truefungus.htm
Other info about Velvet and various diseases: http://bettastarz.com/diseases.htm


Superstar Fish
yeah, if it is "fluffy" that definitely sounds like a fungus. Try upping the salt also. While melafix does not cure the disease, per se, it does help boost the fish's defenses and immune system. I have good luck with using it, either alone or with other medications (as a sort of stress coat).

Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ditto Marie, sound like fungus

Jungle Fungus Eliminator (yellow crystals) should do the trick, it will make the water a little yellow, but sure does the trick on fungus. I also suggest raising the tank temp to about 84F.. seemed to do the trick for Finchy when he was sick.

ps. I also used aquisol and melafix in the tank BEFORE Finchy got sick, so I do not think either of them are strong enought to kill off an infection.