First off I am irritated cause some how I got ick!! I noticed it less than an hour after putting my Discus in my tank. He doesnt have it though. Thank God!! I quickly moved my Discus into my 7G. (He is only 3 in. and its only temp.) I have also moved the Plecos in there. But I was so upset and I was trying to get the onther tank started on treatment and get the dog her meds and take care of the cats accident that I forgot to put an airstone in the 7G tank!! Everyone is fine except my L260!!! He was my baby too! I am really mad at myself right now. I cant believe that I did that!!! I also lost all 5 of my Hatchets (2 last night and 3 this morning and 1 of my Rummynose Tetras!!! I thought that everything was going great!! GRRRRRRR!!!!! I went back to Petco and there was ick in the tank. I didnt see it when I first bought the fish but its there now so they must have had it!! This really sucks!!!!