I'm worried I'm gonna lose him!


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Aloha all!

I'm worried about my beta. When I got up this morning, I swear I thought he was dead on the gravel until I noticed he was breathing, just laying there on his side. I immediately pulled out my test kit and started testing, while he hauled himself up and began swimming around. It seemed like he was still having trouble, though, he couldn't seem to keep his rear tail afloat unless he was moving around and his color looks terrible.

Test results:

PH 7.8 (that seems kinda high)
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10 (my kit recommends under 40 for healthy fish, test card goes all the way up to 160)

Yes, I use the drops, not the strips. The tank is 16 gal. tall and has been set up for 3 months or so, I did a cycle when I first got it. I got the beta about 2 weeks ago. The other tankmates are 7 cardinals, of which I got 4 last week. The other 3 were there before the beta was.

Help, people! I really like this beta, I think he's my favorite fish I've ever had.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Nobody cares? It's so sad to come in the room and see him lying on his side. I don't know what to do.

If it helps, my husband did a huge water change yesterday and forgot to put a dechlorinator. Would that have anything to do with it? I put some in first thing this morning when I found out, but he's not getting better.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
I am sure people care, but not everyone has an answer. Forgetting to put in the dechlorinator probably is what did it. I had a goldfish die that way, he was in the dechlorinated water for maybe 10 minutes, he ended up dying despite efforts to help him. I don't know what you can do really, the damage may have already been done.


Small Fish
Jul 12, 2008
Reading, PA
If it makes you feel any better I just lost a rummy nosed tetra and a HY511 tetra because I forgot to dechlorinate my water change last week.

I've been kicking myself all week. Stupid mistakes are always the worst.

Good luck with your fishy!


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Well, he's still alive right now, but definitly less active that when we first got him. It's so sad cuz he's literally the friendliest fish we've ever had, he loves to come right to the front of the tank and show off as soon as you enter a room. He still does it, but it takes him a while to notice we're here, and then he just kinda floats there.

Oh well, we'll just hope he'll survive.