

Large Fish
Mar 13, 2013
World's most impatient person (me) waiting for the sand cloud to settle. Came home to find that my husband had taken it upon himself to buy me more sand for the 75 gallon and put it in.... he got the wrong stuff.... he picked up aragonite seabed or something like that. He also put some rocks in there... made some kind of structure... cant see it. Sand storm is to thick.... oh and he bought some freshwater crabs. Those are neat, chilling in the 20 gallon for now. And... he bought 2 goldfish... put them in my 20 gallon established tank... guess who has ick. The 2 goldfish....


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Never heard of that type of sand, but yeah, if it's not intended for aquarium use or it's not pool filter sand, it's going to require lots of rinsing.

What type of goldfish? Comet? Those poor buggers are mostly sick and loaded with parasites when you buy them. My kids came home with two comets they won from a school carnival a few months ago (thank you school !@#$#$ LOL!). Had them in a 2gal bowl for a week or two, with daily water changes. One died and the other is such a happy, active, friendly bugger, he/she has her own 20g long now. Not ideal I know, given Comets are pond fish, but one day she might get a larger tank.


Large Fish
Mar 13, 2013
Not sure what kind. Just a cheapo 49 cent goldfish. One has already died... the other one is t looking to hot. With the crabs in the tank I don't know if I can treat for ick. A lot meds say not for use with invertebrates


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Do you have the filter running on the 75g? If it is a good filter running and you have a serious sand storm, turn off the filter or it will ruin the impeller. Do a 95% water change, it will virtually eliminate the cloudy sand issue. Or something like sticking a filter sock on the intake to block the sand from getting in the filter - also accomplishes gradually removing the sand from the water column. Or stick a crap filter on it that you don't mind getting chewed up from the inside from the sand.

What are the plans for the 75g? Aragonite would work for stuff like African cichlids or others which like that high pH. Or saltwater for that matter...

What kind of FW crab? If it is a fiddler or similar, I believe they need access to air (like an island it can crawl up), and are also prone to escape attempts. And likely eat small / sickly fish. They are scavengers.


Large Fish
Mar 13, 2013
I have the filter turned off and put clarifying chemicals in. Nothings in the tank at the moment... blank slate! It's going to have to do a fish less cycle for a while. Not sure what I'm putting in it yet. Had thought about loaches and angels.

The crabs are fiddler crabs. Found one outside the tank and standing on the light fixture last night like he was king of the world (lol). Since then I have plugged the holes he used for escape.