Well, I walked into the LFS. With danios on my mind, and my little speech prepared to ask them if they would take my white skirt tetras for "trade" someday.
I saw it.
Hardly ever see "IT" where I live, only one other time, and IT wasn't for sale - only for viewing. I knew, I had to have IT. My mind quickly ran though compatibility and space equations looking for a loophole or some sort sign from the aquarium gods, that I COULD PURCHASE "IT".
And purchase IT, I did.
I am now the owner of a beautiful German Blue Ram!!!!!! I love it! It is so spectacular. I don't know what gives, but for some reason they are never available up here in Maine.
OK, so...*bites nails*....lemme have it, was I stupid to buy it? I currently have in the 55 gallon tank (along with IT):
- 6 White Skirt tetras (heh heh, not for long tho! They are willing to take them in trade and I'm gonna take them up on it)
- 20 or so assorted danios
- African Butterfly Fish
- Red Tailed Black Shark
- Three pristella tetras
- Three cory cats
- An Angelfish
- A Striatta Loach
- Pair of kribs, and...shamefully...(as I am sure this will play into the aggression factor if there is one...15 or so two day old krib fry....)
I acclimated him/her? for an hour, floating it in a container and adding a bit of tank water every 15 mins. It is breathing heavy - but I have read that they sometimes get all stressed out with new surroundings and takes them a while to become happy.
Was this a stupid move on my part? Is this little guy doomed to bullying by my pair of kribs? Should I have just bought a new plastic plant and kept on a going?
Or....should I get another one when I trade in my white skirt tetras....
I saw it.
Hardly ever see "IT" where I live, only one other time, and IT wasn't for sale - only for viewing. I knew, I had to have IT. My mind quickly ran though compatibility and space equations looking for a loophole or some sort sign from the aquarium gods, that I COULD PURCHASE "IT".
And purchase IT, I did.
I am now the owner of a beautiful German Blue Ram!!!!!! I love it! It is so spectacular. I don't know what gives, but for some reason they are never available up here in Maine.
OK, so...*bites nails*....lemme have it, was I stupid to buy it? I currently have in the 55 gallon tank (along with IT):
- 6 White Skirt tetras (heh heh, not for long tho! They are willing to take them in trade and I'm gonna take them up on it)
- 20 or so assorted danios
- African Butterfly Fish
- Red Tailed Black Shark
- Three pristella tetras
- Three cory cats
- An Angelfish
- A Striatta Loach
- Pair of kribs, and...shamefully...(as I am sure this will play into the aggression factor if there is one...15 or so two day old krib fry....)
I acclimated him/her? for an hour, floating it in a container and adding a bit of tank water every 15 mins. It is breathing heavy - but I have read that they sometimes get all stressed out with new surroundings and takes them a while to become happy.
Was this a stupid move on my part? Is this little guy doomed to bullying by my pair of kribs? Should I have just bought a new plastic plant and kept on a going?
Or....should I get another one when I trade in my white skirt tetras....