in need of a little advice....

Aug 27, 2011
#1 we started our fish tank..we have 1 blue gourami, 1 pictus catfish, and 1 glow fish. we are curious as to which other types of fish we could put in this community freshwater tank. we have been to a couple different pet stores and have heard 2 other types of fish they recommend..which were ram fish or african keelies, which are pretty but we want a variety of fish. any suggestions?

my other question would be....can you have too much decoration peices in the tank? i dont want it to look like a cluster of junk, but i want it to have some character and i want the fish to have plenty of places to swim in/around/hide in if they want. any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)

Aug 29, 2011
I have a tank with a buch of plants and one nice cave, and my fish seem happy enough with just a ton of plants for decor.*thumbsups and I don't think a ram would be good for a small tank. Mabye a rainbow fish, or a nice colored gourami, or even a couple neon or flame tetras?

Aug 27, 2011
@Thyra - we have a 20 gal tank.

@Fishielove - thanks!

we also plan on getting a bigger tank as our fish grow bigger..we want them to grow to their full potential size.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
My suggestions: Remember anything decor wise you put in the tank you will eventually have to be cleaned. It will also take up space, but you do need places for fish to hide and get separated. Artificial plants and real plants do work well. A small cave or rock formation or piece of driftwood decor should be okay. is a good source for planning your population. You should go to you LFS, see what you like and is in your price range, come home -EMPTYHANDED - research the fish you picked and then make another list of possible purchases, ask on this forum, and stock slowly.