Just thought I'd ask this question about media in a canister filters after I read the Bio-Max box. I have a Filstar XP3 filter, and I use BioMax filter media rings in it. Now on the box it says to make sure that the rings are the LAST thing in line in the filter, meaning the last thing that the water flows through before the water returns back to the tank. This is how I have my XP3 setup- Basket #1- lower section 2 Coarse pads, Upper section 2 fine pads. Basket #2- lower/upper sections Chemi-pure in filter bag. Basket #3- lower/upper sections 30 oz's (2 boxes of BioMAX rings. I don't use the Micro filter pad at the top like FilStar says to do, in order for my BioMAX rings to be last. My filter seems to be doing good with the present setup. The reason I wrote this is because I've read other post that stated that the bio-rings were on the bottom of the filter, in other words, first to come in contact with the incoming water, and some who put the rings in the middle of the filter. I would like to hear from others on how they have there canister's setup and swap ideas on this subject. Thanks, Dale