Inbreeding/bad genetics, more susceptible to disease?

Jun 23, 2008
I have a silver dollar who I am contemplating feeding to my Front. Where as the 3 other silver dollars are fine and healthy he is different in that his skeletal structure and appearance is unique, he has continual problems with scales or the lack there of im some areas and he appears to have continual fin rot, opaque patches on his fins that the silver dollars do not have, are water parameters are good and he is not overly stressed or bullied by other fish. Lastly his diet is of many foods.

Should I put him out of his misery now rather than later?

Jun 21, 2008
Hey Vic. I don't know much about this, but since no one else has answered yet, I'll give it a shot. My first thought is that even if you do decide to euthanize, it might not be a good idea to feed him to another fish, in case he has any diseases/infections that could get passed on. Secondly, if he's not suffering, it seems to me like he's probably ok. Now, if you decide that you just don't want him in your tank, you could see if a store will take him from you. If he is suffering, and just won't get better, it may be best to euthanize him. If you decide on that route, there is a thread somewhere on here about it, as well as lots of info on the web about different ways to do it. Hope this helps.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
easiest way I have found is lay it on the ground and pop it hard on the head witha baby baseball bat or well any kind of hard club strong enough to smash it's head completly. no pain no fuss. unlike the whole puting them in the freezer bit. not sure about any of u but I feel freezing them to death is more inhumane then my way. at least my way it's over in less then the blink of an eye rather then 10+ min of a slow increasingly cold death.

Jun 23, 2008
in the past I've always smashed them with rocks in the head real quick.

His affliction has cleared up, again.

I am more looking to hear from people that have an opinion the effects of inbreeding. I have been unable to dig up any info on different species of silver dollars.