After an unsuccessful search for a digital thermometer from my LFSs, I've picked up an indoor/outdoor digital thermometer from the local Home depot. This particular thermometer has an exposed metal probe, which upon preliminary tests seems to work when submersed. (Stuck it in a mug of water for 30 minutes)
Is it possible to use this thermometer inside my aquarium as is, or should I try to find some heatshrink tubing to cover the metal probe? It seems much the same as what the LFS is using (yet doesn't sell, go figure) just without the plastic cover over the probe.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Is it possible to use this thermometer inside my aquarium as is, or should I try to find some heatshrink tubing to cover the metal probe? It seems much the same as what the LFS is using (yet doesn't sell, go figure) just without the plastic cover over the probe.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.