info on fishies in ciclid tank

Hello All

have spoken to man at my fish shop RE: setting up a ciclid tank.Iasked if he can findout if what i wanted is alright for the fish.wanted to run a 4ft tank with
3 small(ish) oscars.some bright yellow cic's(cant find the name for them) and also a Fire eel .the question i was wondering is can they all get along with usuing gravel then placing sand over the shingle?
how will the fire eel fare in here ?will he survive against oscars ?

any suggestions on the ciclid tank and fishies is greatly appericated


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
bad mix, the cichlids you are probably talking of are Electric Yellow Labidochromis which are african rift lake cichlids, they need hard water and high pH, Oscars are south american and need soft water with low pH, agression will also be a problem between them, i wouldnt keep an eel with them too, id say decide whether you want african cichlids or south american cichlids and choose one, try not to mix


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Northern VA
I think the mix of Africans and S. Amer's is a bad idea...Most water is pretty close for S. Amer's, but Africans will die overnight in that low Ph setting.

I keep an eel w/ my S Amer's.....Dempsey's and Firemouths....he does well....just pokes his head out all day (until feeding time) and at night he comes out. He will follow my finger along the glass.

I would try something other than oscars...they get so big and lazy....

Good luck.........send me info on a fire eel........i've never heard of that...