Info on Severums?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok i got a 55 gal. I read minimum is 50 for these guys......what number of them is rcommended for a 55?

And could i put 2 different types of Severums together? Like Gold and Green?

UPDATED: Ok nvm.....plz tell me if this list of fish will go good in my 55....

2 gold severum
1 green severum
3-4 Silver Dollars
and maybe 1 Rainbow cichlid

is this to much or do i still have room?

And would these fish be affected if i put a fine sand substrate in there?

Heh i am just brainstorming here!!!!!!!!!!

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Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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hey, i just bought a convict cichlid for my 55 gal today. hes seems to be getting along with my jack dempsy pretty well, lots of rocks to hide in.

i was gonna get a firemouth too, but they were way too small compared to the convcit and JD. but im pretty happy with him.

and mixing severums shouldnt be a problem:D one of my friends has golds and greens together in a 55. 2 of each since babys and they get along fine.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
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well... lets recap.. most of the web sites say bull$hit and we all know it... i have even seen a web site calling severums aggresive for christshake...
average severums get 10"... some kinds of severums can get up to 12" like Heros Notatus...
a minimum for 1 severum is a 55g.....
your tank would be in maximum with 2 severums..... go figure with 3 severums all the silver dollars etc.. you are overcrowded now..
in your eyes it seems ok now that they are young,, wait a bit and you will remember my words.
i got my severums in a 447g..... but its going to be hard for them to live with my other fish so i bought a 90g just my pair which is 6" right now so i can get some dithers with them....


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
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he's basically saying severums can go with more severums if you have some good dithers, like.... silver dollars!
well severums actually dont like each others company.. except if it is male/female... then they will pair off... in the big tank i got total of 5 severums... 3 male heros notatus, 1 female heros notatus and a female gold severum... only the heros notatus pair is together.. all the other are hiding from each other.. when they see its other they fight.. even in such a big tank

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well, I'm gonna get some severums......Every "review" i have read says they are great and i've only seen people with 3-4 in a 55 so.....i am going to try it.

As for other fish i am not sure.... i might look at this setup:
3-4 severums
1 firemouth

Thanx guys!

And i might end up selling some back but.....i can enjoy them for a while =)

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Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I agree with Anthraxid, I would put no more then 2 severums in a 55g, and thats with no other fish exceeding their size. When I bought my 1 gold severum for my 55g I was under the impression that they only got 6" when I learning that they get around 9-10" on average I was very upset. Remember it's the fish that are going to have to spend the rest of their lives in that tank, we should do our best to try and make them comfortable!

For what you want, no more then 2 severums and that is pushing it once they are grown.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
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Originally posted by AmazonTankz
I agree with Anthraxid, I would put no more then 2 severums in a 55g, and thats with no other fish exceeding their size. When I bought my 1 gold severum for my 55g I was under the impression that they only got 6" when I learning that they get around 9-10" on average I was very upset. Remember it's the fish that are going to have to spend the rest of their lives in that tank, we should do our best to try and make them comfortable!

For what you want, no more then 2 severums and that is pushing it once they are grown.
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