Inherited 3 little fish and i dont know what they are...

Jan 19, 2008
my neighbor/roommate had a fishtank shattering accident a few days ago :confused: and bequeathed upon me these little guys. well this guy and 2 more just like him. anyway, i have no idea what on earth type of fish they are.. They tend to school a litle bit, with one leading and then the others following one by one as they move about the tank, and they are always using the barbels/whiskers to look for food in the gravel. they do tend to hang out in the shade in my tank. they are playful and will occassionally dive bomb the surface of the water (well, kind of an inverted dive bomb but you know what i mean) and they eat flake leftevers off the bottom. they also LOVE bloodworms which i discovered last night. anyway, if anyone knows what they are and could tell me, (and hints as to their care wouldnt hurt either) that would be great :D



Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Looks like a corydoras to me. Perhaps a bronze cory? (He's a little hard to see through the green water.)

It's definitely not an emerald catfish, which are often mistakenly called cories. This guy has too few spines on his dorsal fin.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Could be an emerald cory though if he's green, heh's probably bronze though hard to say. Cories are WONDERFUL little fish, very active and as you've seen, very social. You'll want to toss them an algae wafer now and then since they're omnevours and (at least mine) refuse to eat algae in anything but wafer form (I think I've spoiled them).

That will give you some information on them. Limit the use of aquarium salt in your tank (some of us use it, some don't it's up for debate it seems weather they can tolerate it) and make sure enough food in the tank gets to the bottom for them. They are nocturnal (in theory), so you'll want to provide a little cave or something for them to hide in during the day if they want to.

Other wise, enjoy!

Jan 19, 2008
ok, so just out of curiousity, what would turn the water green like that? i thought it was jsut the lighting and the algae, but after looking at pics of other tanks, it seems i got a water problem.. *sigh* i ned to learn some things...


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
Well, when was the last time a water change was done? Gravel siphoned? If it is algae on the sides of the tank, you could invest in some algae eaters, and they should clean it up for you. However, something like a plecostomus (I cant spell it) they really tend to make more of a mess, than they clean up. But, they will eat up all the algae. I have one, and I've never seen a spec of algae on my tank walls.