Injured Minnow


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
I bought three minnows yesterday and about 1 hour after I introduced them to their new home, I noticed one of them was'nt very active. The only time he swam any distance was when one of the goldfish that shares the tank with him was chasing him and nipping at his tail fin. I removed the injured little guy to a hospital tank and now all he does is sit on the bottom of the tank. He won't even feed. When I looked closely at him, I noticed some blood in his tail fin and his swimming is very laboured. Any suggestions as to what course of action to take. I have'nt lost a fish yet, but I think this one may be beyond help. Unless you can get wheel chairs for minnows. I have attached a photo of the little guy. Pay close attention to his tail fin and the way his back is arched.:confused:



Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I know ammonia poisoning can cause streaked fins like that although I don't know about the arched back. Have you checked the disease forums? Here is the link:
Look in there and see if anything matches it's symptoms. Btw, I don't think those are Rosy Red Minnows after all. Mine are like an albino looking red.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
It's a white cloud mountain minnow. Are you sure its tail is unnaturally red?? because their tails and dorsal fins can have a very strong band of red in them, some more than others. I have some in my tanks. As for the arched back and weak swimming, I'd take him back and get a healthier specimen.