injured/sick panda need advice

Nov 5, 2009
so i noticed a few days ago that one of my panda's looked a little funny on his head. it seems to have gotten worse and just not i had to help him get unstuck from in between two plants he had wedged himself in. do you think its an injury or is he sick? i cant imagine what would have hurt him. my dwarf gourami does chase some of the smaller corries around sometimes (including this one) but ive never seen him to anything so aggressive that i got concerned nor do any of the others show any sign of similar damage. in the first picture you can see the other panda who is actually smaller and appears to be perfectly healthy. i apologize for the dirty glass :p

By frankenfish at 2012-01-30

By frankenfish at 2012-01-30

By frankenfish at 2012-01-30


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
From the photos it looks like his eye is cloudy and swollen if so I would think he has a bacterial infection,

Ok I also see he has a large gash near his dorsal fin, he his going to need some care.

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Nov 5, 2009
I don't think he's going to make it :(. Ive been watching him a lot more closely for the last hour or so and he is having real difficulty swimming and staying upright. he's just leaning kinda tilted on the rocks. half of the time now he doesn't even move when the gourami pokes at him. I'm trying to decide if it's more humane to euthanize him now or wait and see if he pulls out of this. should i turn up the temp its around 74 right now. and should i be concerned about the other fish catching whatever this is? i have some melafix but i was told that can be bad for my ottos and corys. should i try maybe a half dose?

edit: i unfortunately dont have another tank set up that i could put him in :(


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
If any one here has a better treatment please chime in, All I can think of is good clean water and I have used full doses of Maracyn Plus on corys and they have all survived it. But this little guy looks really run down.

Last edited:
Nov 5, 2009
i made the call to put him out of his misery. i got a real good look at him when i netted him out. he had no fins left it was just bone and his right eye was really bulging out of his head. thanks for the help guys

Feb 27, 2009
frankenfish - Sorry for your loss.

You might want to just keep an eye on the rest and be maybe increase the water change (amount or frequency) for a few weeks just as a preventative. The other in the 1st photo looks perfectly healthy. How long have you had them?

Nov 5, 2009
a few months now. i got an albino also at the same time and all are doing perfect except that one which is now in fishy heaven. i will definitely be monitoring the others closely for the next few weeks and i'm thinking about bringing back the gourami. while he's not doing any real (visible) damage he's harassing the others and that's got to get stressful after awhile. i'm thinking of swapping in 2 or 3 plattys.