Injured tiger barb

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
I have a tiger barb that got stuck to the filter (came home and found him this way) My husband got him off of the filter, but now he is kinda bent and "floating" sideways... he's really not swimming, every now and then he'll use his fins, but he just kinda floats up and down the tank. What should I do? I dont know if he may just be recovering and I should just leave him alone, or what? help! :(


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
What kind of filter, and how long have you had the tiger barb? If it's a normal HOB filter, I would suspect that the barb had something else wrong first... even bettas can pull themselves off regular HOB filters, and tiger barbs are much faster and stronger. I would seperate him if you can, if nothing else he'll probably get pestered by any other tiger barbs if he's weak.

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
I just got him yesterday. I think it might have been something else also.. because when I put them in yesterday, there was one that was off colored (light green and red) eventually he got his color back. I dont know if thats a sign of sickness or stress, or whatever...