If you get clown loachs get 2 or more!
Because clown loachs need their own kind!
If you dont the clown Loach will pine away
not eat, and then die of stavation!
Yes, thanks for bringing that up. Many are aware that they need larger groups, but only get one.
It's also important to know that Clown Loaches need a lot of room, especially with how big they grow. Even at a smaller size, they need at least 20 gallons each to ensure they'll have something to grow into. I agree with Lotus, I hope you're planning a much larger tank, very soon
Id say you are pretty overstock if you have 2 common plecos 3 loaches and 15 mollies in one ten gallon tank. I would recommend getting rid of the common plecos in your tank if you dont plan on upgrading to a much larger tank. Im kind of confused about your thread topic you just wanted to inform others that they need to be in groups?
It's good you have another tank, but even another 10 gallon isn't close to enough space. Just your Mollies would overstock that.
IMO, you need to either get a 100 gallon+ tank, or return your Clown Loaches, Plecos, and at least half of your Mollies.