I came across a post on another site about a mistake Walmart made in advertising. They had mistakenly put a picture of a betta bowl instead of a filter in an ad. The thing I found interesting was the reviews - which were for the filter supposedly advertised. One person wrote he really liked the filter. He had been using it on his ”30g tank with 30 cichlids and it did a fine job” He had used it for the past 9 or 10 months.
Naturally the people reading the Post immediately responded to the 30g, 30 fish and there were comments about how all his fish were going to die and someone ought to tell the poor fellow right away. All I could think of was, “Do you really think he will believe he has an immediate problem after he has done this that long?”
Naturally the people reading the Post immediately responded to the 30g, 30 fish and there were comments about how all his fish were going to die and someone ought to tell the poor fellow right away. All I could think of was, “Do you really think he will believe he has an immediate problem after he has done this that long?”