Introducing cichlids.


Small Fish
Aug 17, 2008
Hello again! I made this account to chat it up and because I had a water problem, but I find myself with a huge concern.

I have an Auratus (I think) Albino.. maybe. Thats my best guess. He/She is in a tank i feel is a little too small 20g I just had it for a temp tank for him/her. I'm changing (Heck i'll just tell you the name) Indigo Montoya over to a 90g tank tomorrow.

I don't want Indigo to be the only fish in the tank however. I know I should keep Indigo with other african Cichlids, But every electric yellow or any kind like that i see are Half Indigos size. Indigo is about 5 inches long. If i keep a group of 3-4 Electrics would they leave Indigo alone, and vice versa? Would Indi get along with other Auratus?

I can't find specifics, because no one seems to want to say if any cichlids will get along at all or not. What i was hoping for was my best chances in keeping Indigo with other fish with minimal life losses. Any species advice, or Introduction tips please let me know. Thanks!!! yet again :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
really depends on him.

get some rock in there or fake plants to break up their line of sight and cross your fingers.
africans are really iffy though, so what he will get along with again depends on him.

someone else more knoweldgeable will probably correct me though.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Generally Mbuna, other african cichlids, will get along with each other. Auratus are known for being one of the meanest, nastiest mbuna out there. So you will be taking a chance with him. Sometimes they do fine, sometimes they don't and will get insanely aggressive. If anything try and find a more aggressive mbuna or one that does not look like the Auratus.


Small Fish
Aug 17, 2008
Ok, after spending hours online this morning I believe I might have identified him as being an Eduard's Mbuna. It is the closest looking thing. He even has 4yellow dots on his anal fin

SEX: Males have three to four, distinct egg-spots on the anal fin and have slightly longer pelvic fins.

So knowing this, maybe he will be a little easier to keep in a tank with other cichlids? Should I introduce him to the tank before or after I put in other cichlids?