Introduction :)


Small Fish
Jun 2, 2004
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Hello! A few years ago, I was an avid lurker and sometimes poster on MFT. Unfortunately, all of the fish in my tank died after a move, and I just didn't have it in me to start over again. I retired the tank about a year ago, and I've moved again & plan on staying put for the next several years.

I'm about to get the tank going again, and I need some advice. My tank is ~45 gal, 36"WX12"Dx22"Tall. I'm hoping to start cycling tomorrow- yay!

1) I have been dreaming of a beautiful planted tank with goldfish. Would I be able to have more than 1 goldfish without overcrowding the tank?

2) I've been reading up, and it seems that Flourite would be the best substrate for me to use. Where can I buy this? Would Petsmart have it? Or would I be better off calling the small LFS around here?

3) Any suggestions on how I can get enough light in my hood for the plants? This was a big issue with my last attempt - I couldn't find any bulbs that fit over my tank.

Thank you very much!!